Written by our Co-Founder & Master Dieuwke Hoogland
“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” — Winston Churchill
At Masters of Scale, we are building a passionate group of Masters, highly skilled entrepreneurs and experts. And that itself is not unique, it’s not our differentiator, there are more organizations that support scaling entrepreneurs with qualified teams. What differentiates us is our passion for entrepreneurship.
Here’s an example.
At our weekly ‘Masters of Scale Café’ session we met with Tommaso Troiani, cofounder of Byewaste. Tommaso is building a promising service for waste recycling, currently running his first pilots to proof his product/market fit in the Netherlands. After our Café session Tommaso applied for the Masters of Scale program, but soon we had to come to the conclusion that his company is in a phase which is too early for the services of Masters of Scale.
And then our Masters’ passion for entrepreneurship kicked in!
When I shared information about the sustainable service of Byewaste and explained the company’s need for more pilots, more network connections and the added value of optimizing the message to prospect customers, it immediately inspired 4 of our Masters to support Tommaso. Each with their own expertise, local network, and knowledge of local regulations.
This is what Tommaso emailed me recently:
“Hi Dieuwke, I just finished to meet all your intros, such a great network you’re building! I feel so lucky to be part of it and learn from these Masters”.
And referring to the sessions with each of the Masters:
“Super helpful to set up our sales engine and offering us a framework to better understand the real benefit we’re offering to our customers”
“A real expert in the waste sector with great connections”
“She helps us understanding the regulations about waste around the EU and in the future, to demystify the recycling and sustainability world by supporting our content creation.”
“I learned some important lessons about scaling and the importance of focusing on the core and then scale it fast. Lessons from an inspiring entrepreneur with similar background, an engineer from TU Delft…”
Exactly this is what we are after at Masters of Scale; build an impactful community of passionate people and support ambitious entrepreneurs. Even when it does not yet fit into our business model and proposition, our Masters support Winston Churchill’s quote, which today could be translated to ‘Pay It Forward’.
Finally, Tommaso signed off with:
“Can’t wait to continue our journey and set-up the right foundations for Byewaste to become a truly scalable platform!”
Thank you Masters Pieter Jan Doets, Richard Burger, Pieter Kraaijeveld, Dominique Coster and network contact Marie Gustin!
Want to learn more about Masters of Scale? Send us an email at hello@mastersofscale.nl.